Migrating from Bzr to Git (Single branch)

We migrated the ChaloBEST Repository from bzr to git. While migration is not a rocket science any more and there are a lot of blogs and threads about this. This post is a simple step as how to and also as self note.

Step 1. Branch out your bzr repo.

<code> $ bzr branch "url to your bzr repo"</code>

Step 2.cd into your new branch and do the following

<code> $ git init </code>
<code> $ git remote add origin "url to git report" </code>
<code> $ bzr fast-export `something`|git fast-import</code>

Step 3. In case your original git repo is not empty, please do a

<code> $ git pull </code>

Step 4.  Now do a

<code>$ git reset --hard  HEAD</code>

Step 5. Now commit the changes using

<code> $git commit -m "some message"</code>

Step 6.  Push the changes

<code> $git push </code>

Here are some links that helps out with migrating both branches and master.