Back from FREED.IN

At last I am back from organized by ilugd . Though I am a little bit late to post regarding this as most posts are already being done.

Being a first timer to travel , I went there as vanilla delegate.

Day 1 I spent mostly talking with people i know only irc . Some of talks are great like sankarshan’s Communities is an oft ‘mis’used word . There were great deal of audience involvement in Samiah’s talk ‘ All work and no play’.

After lunch I was in conclave where discussion was between dissemination of knowledge . I spoke of Bijra High School Project . It actually created some interest in people.

Day 2 : I was mostly with Bong group ( it consist of Pradeepto , Sankarshan , Runa B , Me , Arindam ) . Talks on this day were great but some talks i liked the most are Open street map and tuxmaniac’s( Aanjhan R’s ) ‘FOSS for electronics enthusiasts’ Rene ‘s OpenNet , and Runab’s ‘Setting up a translation community’. Stayed at JNU campus and finally failed to go home ,so stayed back in GNU’s guest House.

Day3 : Sayamindu was finally in delhi so one member in bong group . Out of many talks Pradeepto’s ‘back to School ‘ and Sayamindu’s cute little OLPC related talk are really great .

In the evening after closing ceremony , Mikel Maron came up and gave us a GPS unit to try and map the train route from New Delhi to Kolkata .

So thats from this year . As I am a first timer its has a great learning process for me .